The overall grade is composed of the grade from your peers and extra points (for writing high-quality reviews and for accurate self-evaluation).

1. Grade from your peers
Your peers grade your submission based on criteria defined by the instructor. The median score for each criterion is summed up to determine the peer grade. The median is used to avoid outliers (unusual high and low grades). Example:

Assessment criteria
Grades from peers Median Total
  Max. points Peer 1 Peer 2 Peer 3 Peer 4 Peer 5 All peers (sum of
Criterion A 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

21 points
Criterion B 2 0 2 2 2 2 2
Criterion C 7 3 5 5 5 7 5
Criterion D 7 3 5 7 7 - 6 (1)
Criterion E 7 - 5 7 - - 6 (2)
(1) In case there is an even number of grades: The average of the middle pair is the median.
(2) In case there are only two grades: The average of the two grades is the median.

2. Extra points for reviews you wrote
Your peers rate the quality of your written feedback by awarding you stars. You will receive bonus points based on their rating. Example:

Max. points
per rating
Rating from peers Total
(sum of
Peer 1 Peer 2 Peer 3 Peer 4 Peer 5
(= 3 stars)
(= 3 stars)
(= 2 stars)
(= 1 stars)
(= 0 stars)
(no rating)
2 points

3. Extra points for accurate self-evaluation
Some peer assessments include an Evaluate yourself phase. If the difference between the score from your peers and your self-evaluation is less than 10% of the maximum points available for the peer assessment, you will receive bonus points (5% of the maximum points). Example:

Max. points
for peer
10% of
from peers
Bonus points
(5% of max.
Bonus points
25 2.5 21 19 1.25 1.3 points

4. Extra points for evaluation by your team members (applicable for team peer assessments only)
Some courses include team peer assessment, where students are assigned to a team and submit their work as a team. During the Evaluate yourself phase, team members assess one another based on predefined criteria and by using a star rating. You receive bonus points for your contribution to the team effort based on this assessment.

Max. bonus points

Rating from team members (0-3 stars) Number of stars received Max. number of stars available Bonus points (math.
Team member 1 Team member 2 Team member 3 Team member 4

Contribution 1 1 1 0


Organization 3 3 3 3
Social skills 2 3 3 -(2)
(1) Max. bonus points available = 10% of max. points for peer assessment
(2) Where a criterion receives no rating, 0 stars will be granted
(3) Bonus points = max. bonus points available x number of stars received / max. number of stars available

Your overall grade
Your grade is the sum of grades from your peers, extra points for reviews you wrote, and extra points for accurate self-evaluation.

Grades from your peers Extra points
for reviews you wrote
Extra points
for accurate self-evaluation
Extra points for evaluation
from your team members
(applicable for team peer
assessment only)
Overall grade
21 2 1.3 1.6 25.9

This page was last changed at Fri, 05 Apr 2019 12:48:37 +0000.