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Developing Web Apps with SAPUI5

In this course, we’ll introduce you to the main concepts of the UI development toolkit for HTML5 - SAPUI5. The JavaScript exercises for each unit will give you the technical background needed to develop your own responsive Web apps. We’ll start from scratch with the very basics and lots of hands-on coding. As we go through the weeks of this course, you’ll learn more about the powerful development concepts and truly master SAPUI5. Join us on this journey and enroll today!

This course was retired in October, 2023.

Self-paced since June 29, 2016
Language: English

Course information


This course was retired in October, 2023.

In this course, we’ll introduce you to the main concepts of the UI development toolkit for HTML5 - SAPUI5. The JavaScript exercises for each unit will give you the technical background needed to develop your own responsive Web apps. We’ll start from scratch with the very basics and lots of hands-on coding. As we go through the weeks of this course, you’ll learn more about the powerful development concepts and truly master SAPUI5. Join us on this journey and enroll today!

SAPUI5 and its open-source variant OpenUI5* help you build enterprise-ready Web apps that are responsive to all devices. The JavaScript UI library and development toolkit contains many feature-rich controls and implements the award-winning SAP Fiori user experience. It helps developers ease and speed up the development of full-blown HTML5 Web applications. This course will kick-start your journey, giving you all the technical knowledge needed to develop Web apps with SAPUI5. Hands-on exercises and practical units will give you a deeper understanding of the main development concepts of SAP’s powerful UI library. Using a cloud-based development environment that requires no additional installation, we’ll introduce you to the library and start with a simple “Hello World” example. Step by step, we’ll then add more features to our app and explain the background so that you can understand how it all comes together. You’ll learn the Model View Controller (MVC) concepts, become an expert in data binding, and get to know many UI controls offered by the framework.

As you work your way through the course, you can try out everything in your own development project and practice developing with SAPUI5 with lots of exercises. You’ll create responsive apps that adapt to different devices and discover the enterprise-grade features of SAPUI5. After that, you’ll go on to learn about Web app navigation and application testing, truly mastering SAPUI5.

From May 17, you will have access to a “Get Started” week to help you understand the skill level required to complete the course and the exercises. This is an optional week and there are no assignments; but you can take the self-tests to check your knowledge, prior to the official start date.

*The content of this course applies to both SAPUI5 and OpenUI5. OpenUI5 is free and open source and includes all the main features of SAPUI5, the library SAP uses for its Web applications.

Course Characteristics

Target Audience

  • Web developers
  • IT professionals
  • Application developers
  • Mobile developers

Course Requirements

  • Basic Web development skills (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
  • The preparation week of the course contains units for refreshing your knowledge about JavaScript and browser tools

Development Systems

Throughout this course, we’ll be using practical hands-on exercises to learn SAPUI5. We’ll use SAP Web IDE as a cloud-based development environment. It is available via SAP HANA Cloud Platform (HCP)* and is free of charge. No installation is required. We’ll provide instructions on how to set up SAP HCP and SAP Web IDE, which will be sufficient for the scope and duration of the course.

Please note:

SAPUI5 is a very flexible UI development toolkit for HTML5. You can develop and deploy apps in many different environments. We’ll be focusing on SAP’s cloud development tools during this course, as they are easy to learn and do not require any additional setup. If you are an advanced Web developer, you are free to choose your own development and runtime environment.

Changes to Hands-on Systems

Dear Learners,
Some of the hands-on exercises for this openSAP course were designed to be used with SAP Cloud Platform Neo trial accounts. These accounts are no longer actively supported and as of November 2020 it is not possible to create new ones. Please note that the exercises may not work when using an SAP Cloud Platform multi-cloud trial account.

Further Learning

enter image description here

*) Please note: SAP has announced that SAP HANA Cloud Platform is being renamed to SAP Cloud Platform. You can read more about the reasons behind the change and what you can expect in the official SAP Press Release.

Course contents

  • Course content no longer available

  • Get Started

  • Week 1:

    Learn the Essentials
  • Week 2:

    Become a Data Binding Expert
  • Week 3:

    Create Responsive Apps
  • Week 4:

    Master SAPUI5
  • I Like, I Wish:

    We Love Your Feedback … And Want More
  • Final Exam:

    Good Luck!

Enroll me for this course

The course is free. Just register for an account on openSAP and take the course!
Enroll me now


Course End
Jun 29, 2016
Course Start
May 24, 2016


This course was rated with 4.45 stars in average from 3900 votes.

Certificate Requirements

  • Gain a Record of Achievement by earning at least 50% of the maximum number of points from all graded assignments.
  • Gain a Confirmation of Participation by completing at least 50% of the course material.
  • Gain an Open Badge by completing the course.

Find out more in the certificate guidelines.

This course is offered by

Janina Bläsius

Janina is a software developer at SAP focusing on user interfaces. Besides developing, she also spends part of her time leading training sessions and representing OpenUI5 at conferences.

You can follow her on Twitter @blaesiusj

Christiane Goebels

Christiane has been a software developer in the SAPUI5 development team since September 2012. She has been involved in Web development for more than 13 years, providing training for a variety of audiences and on a number of topics, particularly JavaScript and SAPUI5.

You can connect with her on Twitter: @learnui5
or visit her on SCN.

Michael Graf

Michael Graf is a product owner at SAP and an OpenUI5 enthusiast. He loves getting in touch with the community and evangelizing technology. Michael started developing Web pages back in the 90s and has enjoyed working with Web technologies and UIs ever since. He is an expert in creating responsive Web apps with SAPUI5 and has developed many custom controls.

You can follow him on Twitter.
Or visit him on github, SCN,homepage

Andreas Kunz

Andreas is development architect in the SAPUI5 development team and has been with UI5 development since it started.

Apart from regular development tasks he is involved in roll-out activities and occasionally presenting at technology conferences. He is also one of the drivers behind OpenUI5.

You can follow him on Twitter @aku_dev 
Or visit him on github, SCN

Thomas Marz

Thomas Marz has worked as a UI5 product owner for the past 5 years, always managing to reserve some free time for writing code.

His focus topics are the sap.m controls, application best practices, app templates, and tutorials.

You can visit him on SCN.

Thilo Seidel

Thilo is a UI5 developer focusing on developer experience and rollout activities. He has been developing for the Web for more than 10 years, and is experienced in how related technologies evolve over time.

With SAPUI5, he is happy to have found a great toolkit that can unleash the power of modern browsers as a full-blown runtime environment.

You can connect with him on Twitter: @ThiloDev
or visit him on SCN.

Martin Wittmann

Martin Wittmann is a senior software developer at SAP, focusing on SAP’s framework for building Web apps – SAPUI5 and OpenUI5.

Martin has over 17 years of software development experience. In recent years, his focus has been on user interface topics at SAP.

Margot Wollny

Margot Wollny is a product manager for the UI5 team, focusing on rollout material and communication around UI5. Prior to this, she spent many years in various consulting roles at SAP, assisting customers in their SAP CRM and other development projects.

Margot stands up for the developers’ interests and loves to work with the community to make UI5 one of the best JS frameworks ever.