Need SAP HANA Running 24/7? Challenge Accepted!

Join this free online course to learn how to deploy SAP HANA with system replication in a scale-up, performance-optimized configuration and make it highly available using SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications high availability clustering.

Please note: There is a more recent version of this course: Need SAP HANA Running 24/7? Challenge Accepted! (Repeat).

This course was retired in October 2023.

Seit 1. Dezember 2021 im Selbststudium
Kurssprache: English
Untertitel (automatisch erzeugt): Deutsch, English, Français, Español



This course was retired in October 2023.

Course Summary

Critical SAP systems like SAP HANA and SAP S/4HANA help you drive innovation for your business and your customers. SAP HANA is a critical component of many SAP systems, so keeping it available is a key priority. At first, keeping SAP HANA available can appear daunting, and that’s where SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications (SLES for SAP Applications) comes in. It is a secure, open-source server operating system, built to power physical, virtual, and cloud-based mission-critical workloads.

In this course you’ll learn how to deploy SAP HANA with system replication in a scale-up, performance-optimized configuration and make it highly available using SLES for SAP Applications high availability clustering.

We’ll start with a review of SAP HANA native HA components. Then we’ll plan the required infrastructure and storage. Once the infrastructure is ready, SAP HANA will be deployed, and SAP HANA system replication (SR) configured. Next comes the clever part: the deployed SAP HANA SR will be clustered and made highly available using the specialist components available with SLES for SAP Applications. When deployed, the highly available implementation will be tuned, tested, and monitored – ready to run 24/7!

Here is what some participants are saying about the course:

  • "This session has been more than I expected and the vast information and knowledge transfer here had been a phenomenal experience. Simple, well elaborated, timely, and work the time." Read the original post
  • “Really enjoyed this course - it was not only on high-level but already digging very deep in the setup of an HANA HA.” Read the original post
  • “This course is amazing.” Read original post
  • “Thanks so much Richard for creating this course. Enjoyed and learned so much and will recommend not only your course but also openSAP in general.” Read original post
  • “The course is well prepared with slides, examples and demo.” Read original post

Course Characteristics

Course Content

Week 1: Planning an SAP HANA SR HA Deployment
Week 2: SAP HANA Storage Requirements
Week 3: Deploy SAP HANA and Configure SR
Week 4: Configure the Cluster Resources
Week 5: Tune and Test the Cluster
Week 6: SAP HANA SR Monitoring Tools
Week 7: Final Exam

Target Audience

  • Architects
  • Consultants
  • Support engineers

Course Requirements


  • Course content no longer available

  • Week 1:

    Planning an SAP HANA SR HA Deployment
  • Week 2:

    SAP HANA Storage Requirements
  • Week 3:

    Deploy SAP HANA and Configure SR
  • Week 4:

    Configure the Cluster Resources
  • Week 5:

    Tune and Test the Cluster
  • Week 6:

    SAP HANA SR Monitoring Tools
  • I Like, I Wish:

    We Love Your Feedback … And Want More
  • Final Exam:

    Good Luck!

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Der Kurs ist kostenlos. Legen Sie sich einfach ein Benutzerkonto auf openSAP an und nehmen Sie am Kurs teil!
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1. Dezember 2021
12. Oktober 2021


Der Kurs wurde mit durchschnittlich 4.74 Sternen bei 295 abgegebenen Stimmen bewertet.

Anforderungen für Leistungsnachweise

  • Den Leistungsnachweis erhält, wer in der Summe aller benoteten Aufgaben mindestens 50% der Höchstpunktzahl erreicht hat.
  • Die Teilnahmebestätigung erhält, wer auf mindestens 50% der Kursunterlagen zugegriffen hat.

Mehr Informationen finden Sie in den Richtlinien für Leistungsnachweise.

Dieser Kurs wird angeboten von

Richard Mayne

Richard Mayne is a training architect at SUSE. His focus is on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications and High Availability. Richard has many years of experience designing, building, and delivering technical training. 
Follow Richard Mayne on LinkedIn