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Join this free online course to learn about the SAP Signavio plug and gain approach and how you can leverage it to improve your transformation processes.

The course Kick-Start SAP Transformations with SAP Signavio Plug and Gain has moved and is now available on the SAP Learning site. The openSAP platform will be discontinued at the end of July 2024.

Seit 20. Dezember 2023 im Selbststudium
Kurssprache: English
Untertitel (automatisch erzeugt): Deutsch, English, Français, Español


Course Summary

Transforming from heavily customized on-premise systems to a modern cloud environment can now be significantly accelerated with the SAP Signavio plug and gain approach. With this new approach, customers receive granular insights into the execution of their current ERP processes, which can be (re-)designed, harmonized, and improved in their SAP S/4HANA applications. With plug and gain, customers can reduce the time needed to thoroughly prepare their transformation from months to just hours, improve the deployment quality, and provide benefits to the business.

In this course, you’ll be equipped with all relevant facts and demos to ensure that you can leverage plug and gain in any transformation.

Here is what some participants are saying about the course:

  • “Wanted to convey a big Thank you to Julia Dorothee Meyer! The presentation was very engaging and full of insights, I loved it! Also a big Thank you to the whole team that was behind the scenes to deliver the course!” Read the original post

  • “Nicely structured , precise and relevant information, very useful.” … “Good content and good delivery of course” Read the original post

  • “Excellent course. Thanks all team members.” Read the original post

  • “Thank you for the great demos in this course. The best practice content and the seamless integration between process insights, process intelligence, and process manager is pure eye candy :-) …” Read the original post

  • “Hi Julia Dorothee Meyer, thank you for such a great presentation. It was very clear. Most of all, I enjoyed the passion that you showed about the subjects and how animated you were - this kept me engaged. ...” Read the original post

Course Characteristics

  • Starting from: November 14, 2023, 09:00 UTC. (What does this mean?)
  • Duration: The course is open for 5 weeks
  • Effort: 3-4 hours in total
  • Course assignment: You can take the course assignment at any time whilst the course is open.
  • Course closure: December 20, 2023, 9:00 UTC
  • Course language: English
  • How is an openSAP course structured?

Course Content

Unit 1: Plug and gain as a transformation accelerator
Unit 2: Capture opportunities to simplify configuration and master data
Unit 3: Discover automation potential
Unit 4: Identify opportunities to replace customization with SAP standard
Unit 5: Leverage internal best practices for global template improvements
Unit 6: From a project towards a culture of operational excellence
Course assignment

Target Audience

  • Anyone interested in business transformation
  • Business process consultants
  • ERP transformation consultants
  • Process owners and managers
  • SAP application owners

Course Requirements

  • Basic understanding of ERP systems
  • Basic understanding of business transformation

Further Learning

If you’re interested in further capabilities of SAP Signavio solutions, sign up for the openSAP course “Drive SAP S/4HANA Transformations with SAP Signavio Solutions”.

About Further Content Experts

Carolin Pietrulla

image Carolin Pietrulla

Carolin Pietrulla is director of BPM Practice & Strategic Programs at SAP Signavio Global GTM Excellence & Enablement. Besides being a BPM evangelist, her focus is on driving strategic enablement topics within SAP Signavio and the wider SAP organization, one of them being Business Process Management. 

Carolin has over ten years’ experience in BPM at SAP and other large enterprises, acting as an internal process consultant and trainer. 

Follow Carolin on LinkedIn or SAP Community 

Florian Schwitzgebel

picture Florian

Florian Schwitzgebel joined SAP Signavio in May 2022 as a product marketing expert for partner solutions and is now a director for SAP Signavio Process Transformation Suite. Florian has held various positions in the B2B IT and software industry for 20 years.
In recent years, he has worked in various roles in sales, product management, product marketing management, and project management for a number of companies, both large and small.

Till Trautewig

picture Till

Till Trautewig is a content expert for SAP Signavio Process Insights and plug and gain by SAP Signavio, driving customer adoption and ensuring SAP Signavio is a pillar in a customer’s transformation approach.
With 10 years of experience in process consulting in the retail industry and a focus on analytics, Till is an advocate for making sure customers drive insight to action.

Follow Till on LinkedIn


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20. Dezember 2023
14. November 2023


Der Kurs wurde mit durchschnittlich 4.53 Sternen bei 651 abgegebenen Stimmen bewertet.

Anforderungen für Leistungsnachweise

  • Den Leistungsnachweis erhält, wer in der Summe aller benoteten Aufgaben mindestens 50% der Höchstpunktzahl erreicht hat.
  • Die Teilnahmebestätigung erhält, wer auf mindestens 50% der Kursunterlagen zugegriffen hat.
  • Einen Open Badge erhalten Sie, indem Sie den Kurs abschließen.

Mehr Informationen finden Sie in den Richtlinien für Leistungsnachweise.

Dieser Kurs wird angeboten von

Julia Dorothee Meyer

Julia Dorothee Meyer is an enablement lead for SAP Signavio. In her role, she is responsible for creating and driving strategic programs related to SAP Signavio for the Service Delivery organization within SAP. With a background as a business consultant and enterprise architect, Julia's focus is on simplifying and streamlining SAP S/4HANA transformation projects for SAP consultants and customers. 

Follow Julia on LinkedIn