Create and Deliver Cloud-Native SAP S/4HANA Extensions

Join this free open online course to learn how to build, test, and deliver high-quality, cloud-native, SAP S/4HANA extensions using the SAP S/4HANA Cloud SDK.

This course was retired in August 2023.

Please note: This course has been replaced by the SAP Learning Journey: Developing Advanced Extensions with SAP Cloud SDK | SAP Learning site.

Self-paced since December 20, 2018
Language: English
Subtitles (auto-generated): Deutsch, English, Français, Español

Course information

retired image

This course was retired in August 2023.

Course Summary

In the age of cloud ERP, it’s much easier to extend SAP S/4HANA than it was in previous ERP systems. Traditional extensions were often tightly interwoven with the core ERP and made it hard for SAP and its ecosystem to innovate at speed. But now, thanks to SAP S/4HANA and SAP Cloud Platform, the SAP ecosystem can easily build and maintain value-adding ERP extensions.

In this course, we’ll cover the full cycle of building, testing, and delivering an exemplary high-quality SAP S/4HANA extension to help manage business partners. Using the SAP S/4HANA Cloud SDK, we’ll show you how to:

  • Kick-start a basic application based on project templates
  • Introduce functionality that seamlessly integrates SAP S/4HANA
  • Add qualities that make our extension ready for the cloud
  • Ensure a quick innovation cycle and unparalleled quality by leveraging a fully automated continuous delivery pipeline
  • Add advanced capabilities using SAP S/4HANA business events and SAP Leonardo machine learning.

Enroll now and kick-start your journey as a developer of game-changing, cloud-native SAP S/4HANA extensions.

Here is what some participants are saying about the course:

  • "Great content, great instructors - highly recommended course! – This is by far one of the best openSAP course that I have attended. It is especially challenging to come up with the right content, format and delivery for a subject area as technical as this, but the openSAP team has successfully done this with flying colors. Being a hands-on person, I really appreciate the numerous exercises/demos that allowed me to really experience using the S4SDK alongside all its related functionality and ecosystem." Read the original post

  • "Great overview, clear and entertaining – I think the overall course was really great because it helps to have a clear overview of the capabilities of the SDK together with S4/HANA. The exercises are well-explained, clear and comprehensive." Read the original post

  • "Highly Recommended Course!! – With the adoption of SAP S/4HANA, the side-by-side extensions are going to become very common, given the popularity of multiple cloud applications in the enterprise marketplace… thanks for designing a high-impact courseware, that is not only relevant, but also fundamentally important. Moreover the wide span of topics such as - Automated Testing, DevOps, etc. were very useful!" Read the original post

  • "Lots of great content and the value of real working examples cannot be overestimated. They really help to close the gap between concept and implementation." Read the original post

Course Characteristics

Course Content

Week 1: Introducing Intelligent ERP
Week 2: Building Side-by-Side Extensions
Week 3: Delivering High Quality Extensions
Week 4: Advanced Extensibility

Target Audience

  • Application developers new to SAP S/4HANA extensibility with a Java background
  • Application developers familiar with modifying SAP systems with an ABAP background
  • Consultants who work on extending SAP S/4HANA systems
  • Everyone who is interested in how cloud-native development influences SAP S/4HANA extensibility

Course Requirements

Basic programming knowledge in Java

Further Learning

enter image description hereFor further learning, we recommend that you check out the SAP S/4HANA learning journeys.

Development Systems

No development system is required for participation in this course. A free trial account on SAP Cloud Platform is enough. If available, an SAP S/4HANA system, cloud or on-premise, can optionally be used throughout this course, but a mock server which is fully sufficient is provided.

Course contents

  • Course content no longer available

  • Week 1:

    Introducing Intelligent ERP
  • Week 2:

    Building Side-by-Side Extensions
  • Week 3:

    Delivering High Quality Extensions
  • Week 4:

    Advanced Extensibility
  • I Like, I Wish:

    We Love Your Feedback … And Want More
  • Final Exam:

    Good Luck!
  • SAP Learning Hub Discount

  • Feedback Japanese Translation

Enroll me for this course

The course is free. Just register for an account on openSAP and take the course!
Enroll me now


Course End
Dec 20, 2018
Course Start
Nov 14, 2018


This course was rated with 4.33 stars in average from 447 votes.

Certificate Requirements

  • Gain a Record of Achievement by earning at least 50% of the maximum number of points from all graded assignments.
  • Gain a Confirmation of Participation by completing at least 50% of the course material.
  • Gain an Open Badge by completing the course.

Find out more in the certificate guidelines.

This course is offered by

Benjamin Heilbrunn

Benjamin Heilbrunn is the architect of the SAP S/4HANA Cloud SDK Continuous Delivery Toolkit. His goal is to enable SAP’s ecosystem to reliably deliver high quality applications at high speed.

In the past, Benjamin acted as lead engineer for the intelligent integration of SAP RealSpend and SAP SuccessFactors. He has a strong background in enterprise software development and software architecture, and has worked on numerous cloud-native projects.

Benjamin is co-author of the SAP Press book “Extending SAP S/4HANA”.

Dr. Henning Heitkötter

Henning Heitkötter is the product owner of the SAP S/4HANA Cloud SDK and strives to make the SDK the most value-adding framework for side-by-side extensions of SAP S/4HANA.

He is co-author of the SAP Press book "Extending SAP S/4HANA“ and a regular blog post author on

Follow Henning on SAP Community

Ekaterina Kruse

Ekaterina Kruse is a senior product specialist at SAP, working with SAP partners and customers to ensure the effective technical implementation of SAP S/4HANA extensions leveraging SAP S/4HANA Cloud SDK and SAP Cloud Platform.

She is co-author of the SAP Press book “Extending SAP S/4HANA”.​

Florian Wilhelm

Florian Wilhelm is a developer at the SAP Innovation Center Potsdam. His professional focus is on the Java platform and continuous delivery.

Prior to this, Florian studied Computer Science at Hochschule Karlsruhe, where he received his Bachelor of Science degree in 2015. He is co-author of the SAP Press book “Extending SAP S/4HANA”.

Daniel Kurzynski

Daniel Kurzynski is a senior developer at the SAP Innovation Center Potsdam, and is responsible for the SAP S/4HANA Cloud SDK Continuous Delivery Toolkit. Prior to this, he worked on innovative cloud applications in the area of finance, integrating SAP S/4HANA and SAP SuccessFactors.

Daniel is co-author of the SAP Press book “Extending SAP S/4HANA”.