Extending SAP S/4HANA with SAP HANA Cloud Platform*

This free openSAP course on SAP Cloud Platform provides you with essential knowledge and typical scenarios for extending SAP S/4HANA on-premise with SAP Cloud Platform.

SAP S/4HANA is a real-time ERP suite for digital business. SAP Cloud Platform is an open standards-based, in-memory platform-as-a-service (PaaS) designed for today’s increasingly networked, mobile, social and data-driven world. SAP Cloud Platform is available to enable companies to build their own extensions and adapt standard business software to their needs.

This course was retired in October 2023.

Seit 2. März 2017 im Selbststudium
Kurssprache: English



This course was retired in October 2023.

Course Summary

Based on an end-to-end business scenario, you’ll learn how to design and implement your own working prototypes and experience first-hand just how easy it is to extend SAP S/4HANA on-premise without impacting your SAP S/4HANA back-end system.

Each week will focus on the delivery of a new extension as part of a corporate procurement scenario. By the end of the course, you’ll have all SAP S/4HANA extensions up and running in your own SAP HANA Cloud Platform trial account.

After an initial introduction to typical scenarios and architectures, you’ll work on extension development projects on SAP HANA Cloud Platform and

  • set up integration with SAP HANA cloud connector and OData provisioning
  • integrate your SAP S/4HANA extensions with real back-end data using replication, OData APIs, and remote function modules
  • discover how to create an even more engaging user experience using SAP Web IDE and SAP Fiori, cloud service
  • learn about analytical scenarios on SAP HANA Cloud Platform with SAP HANA and SAP BusinessObjects Cloud
  • find out how to use collaborative scenarios with SAP Jam
  • have the opportunity to use mobile SAP Fiori hybrid Web applications to support mobile scenarios

You’ll also learn more about Internet of Things (IoT) scenarios supported by SAP HANA Cloud Platform and gain practical experience working with SAP HANA Cloud Platform, Internet of Things service(s).

The registration, learning content, and final exam are free of charge. You will be able to get some practical experience of the platform by using a free developer account. We’ll explain how you can access this at the start of the course.

Course Characteristics

Course Content

Week 1: Getting Started
Week 2: UX Extension
Week 3: Collaborative Extension
Week 4: Analytical Extension
Week 5: IoT Extension
Week 6: Extending Legacy Business Processes
Week 7: Final Exam

Target Audience

  • Application developers
  • Solution architects
  • SAP & landscape administrators
  • Project leads

Course Requirements

  • Basic programming skills, ideally in Java, HTML5, SAP HANA
  • Basic knowledge of how to use an Eclipse development environment
  • SAP HANA Cloud Platform extended knowledge – or openSAP course SAP HANA Cloud Platform Essentials

The following openSAP courses are also recommended:

Development Systems

If your primary interest in taking this course is to obtain a technical overview of the development-related capabilities of SAP HANA Cloud Platform, you do not need access to a development system. However, to get a deeper understanding of the capabilities used, we recommend you follow the hands-on exercises. For this purpose we will provide the required systems and installation instructions in week 1 of this course.

Changes to Hands-on Systems

Dear Learners,
Some of the hands-on exercises for this openSAP course were designed to be used with SAP Cloud Platform Neo trial accounts. These accounts are no longer actively supported and as of November 2020 it is not possible to create new ones. Please note that the exercises may not work when using an SAP Cloud Platform multi-cloud trial account.

About Further Content Experts

Bertram Ganz

enter image description here

Bertram Ganz is a product expert in product management for SAP HANA Cloud Platform Core, focusing on defining, exploring, and rolling out end-to-end scenarios to extend SAP S/4HANA and SAP Business Suite with SAP HANA Cloud Platform. He joined SAP in 2001, and has concentrated increasingly on technical knowledge transfer and customer engagement for various SAP platform and user interface technologies. You can follow him on Twitter @BeGanz or visit him on SCN.

Britta Varwig

enter image description here

Britta Varwig is a senior developer currently focusing on end-to-end scenarios to extend SAP Business Suite with SAP HANA Cloud Platform. She gained in-depth development experience in a number of projects, including business application, technology, and open source projects, using different technologies and concepts.

Jens Glander

enter image description here

Jens Glander is a development expert for SAP HANA Cloud Platform, focusing on end-to-end scenario-driven development to onboard developers and customers to SAP HANA Cloud Platform. He is an active member on the SAP Community Network, where he has published several end-to-end tutorials around SAP HANA Cloud Platform.

Sangeetha Jayakumar

enter image description here

Sangeetha Jayakumar is working on end-to-end scenarios to extend SAP S/4HANA and SAP Business Suite with SAP HANA Cloud Platform. She has over 10 years of experience in software development and has mainly worked in the SAP technology platforms.

Björn Woppmann

enter image description here

Björn Woppmann is a product manager for SAP HANA Cloud Platform focusing on cloud- and on-premise extension scenarios, as well as integration scenarios.

Björn joined SAP in 2005 and has a broad experience with various SAP solutions and technologies, spanning SAP CRM, SAP ERP, SAP Gateway and SAP API Management.

*) Please note: SAP has announced that SAP HANA Cloud Platform is being renamed to SAP Cloud Platform. You can read more about the reasons behind the change and what you can expect in the official SAP Press Release.


  • Course content no longer available

  • Week 1

  • Week 2

  • Week 3

  • Week 4

  • Week 5

  • Week 6

  • I Like, I Wish:

    We Love Your Feedback … And Want More
  • Final Exam:

    Good Luck!

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2. März 2017
11. Januar 2017


Der Kurs wurde mit durchschnittlich 4.56 Sternen bei 877 abgegebenen Stimmen bewertet.

Anforderungen für Leistungsnachweise

  • Den Leistungsnachweis erhält, wer in der Summe aller benoteten Aufgaben mindestens 50% der Höchstpunktzahl erreicht hat.
  • Die Teilnahmebestätigung erhält, wer auf mindestens 50% der Kursunterlagen zugegriffen hat.

Mehr Informationen finden Sie in den Richtlinien für Leistungsnachweise.

Dieser Kurs wird angeboten von

Thomas Bieser (openSAP Team)

Thomas Bieser is the product owner for end-to-end scenarios to extend SAP S/4HANA and SAP Business Suite with SAP HANA Cloud Platform.

Thomas has over 15 years of experience in the software industry and has held various positions in development, project, and product management, focusing on distributed Artificial Intelligence, Web, grid, and cloud technologies.

Thomas is an active member of the SAP Community Network and a regular speaker at SAP conferences. You can also follow him on Twitter.