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Extending SAP Products with SAP HANA Cloud Platform* (Update Q4/2015)

Are you curious about the opportunities to do business and deliver services around SAP cloud products such as SAP SuccessFactors solutions, SAP Cloud for Customer, or SAP Jam?

This course was retired in October 2023.

Self-paced since December 16, 2015
Language: English

Course information


This course was retired in October 2023.

Course Summary

Are you curious about the opportunities to do business and deliver services around SAP cloud products such as SAP SuccessFactors solutions, SAP Cloud for Customer, or SAP Jam?

This course will guide you through the next level - putting SAP HANA Cloud Platform into good use for extending various SAP products. You'll learn about most of the extension options that the SAP products support, and explore the required technologies and tools that will help you to gain traction in that space. As part of the course, you’ll create your first extensions for SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite and SAP Cloud for Customer, as well as experiment with different collaboration options in SAP Jam. You’ll get free access to the corresponding system APIs, which you can use after the course as well for follow-up prototyping and experiments. To follow all the units effectively, you should have completed the openSAP courses Introduction to SAP HANA Cloud Platform and Next Steps in SAP HANA Cloud Platform. The course content assumes that you’re already familiar with the concepts and technologies introduced there, and that you have practical experience developing and deploying Java and HTML5 applications on SAP HANA Cloud Platform.

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Course Details

Course Content

  • Week 1: Extending SAP Cloud Products
  • Week 2: Cloud Extension in Details
  • Week 3: My First SuccessFactors Extension
  • Week 4: My First SAP Jam Extension
  • Week 5: My First SAP Cloud for Customer Extension
  • Week 6: Final Exam

Target Audience

  • Application developers
  • SAP application development partners
  • SAP implementation partners
  • Freelance consultants  

Course Requirements

  • Basic understanding of SAP HANA Cloud Platform
  • Participation in the openSAP course Introduction to SAP HANA Cloud Platform
  • Participation in the openSAP course Next Steps in SAP HANA Cloud Platform
  • Basic programming skills
  • Basic knowledge of how to use an Eclipse development environment

Development Systems

If your primary interest in taking this course is to get a technical overview of the development-related capabilities of SAP HANA Cloud Platform, you do not need access to a development system. However, we realize that many of you will be interested in developing your own code, based on the instructions in the course.

The systems which were used for the exercises in this course are no longer available. However, you’ll find suitable exercises in the following courses:

Extending SAP Cloud for Customer with SAP Cloud Platform
Extending SAP SuccessFactors with SAP Cloud Platform

About the Content Experts

Krasimir Semerdzhiev

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Krasimir Semerdzhiev is a software architect and product expert working on SAP HANA Cloud Platform, focusing on technology integration and consolidation.

He has 15 years of experience in applying IT technologies in a wide range of industries and integrating SAP acquisitions. Krasimir speaks regularly at international technology conferences.

Follow him on Twitter.

Mladen Markov

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Mladen Markov is a product expert working on SAP HANA Cloud Platform, onboarding developers, customers, and partners to the platform.

He has more than 10 years of experience in the development and application of SAP on-premise and in-the-cloud products.

Robert Horne

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Robert Horne is a product manager working on SAP Jam. He is responsible for partner and developer enablement, focusing on the development of social work patterns that solve real business problems.

Robert has 14 years of experience in the software industry, including stops in IT, marketing, engineering, and product management. He has an extensive background in API development and supporting developer ecosystems. Robert is a frequent contributor to SCN and speaker at developer conferences.

Stanimir Ivanov

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Stanimir Ivanov is a senior product owner working on SAP HANA Cloud Platform, focusing on the SAP HANA Cloud Platform integration capability for extending SAP products.

He joined SAP in 2007 and has held various positions in the area of SAP Composition Environment. Prior to SAP HANA Cloud Platform, Stanimir was a product owner for SAP Operational Process Intelligence powered by SAP HANA.

Douglas Maitelli

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Douglas Maitelli is a cloud developer and architect at Cloud Custom Development in São Leopoldo, Brazil.

He is currently working on architecture definition for cloud projects and extensions, with the main focus on SAP HANA Cloud Platform projects.

Douglas has been at SAP since 2012.

Prabhat Raman

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Prabhat Raman is a product manager working on SAP Cloud for Customer. He is part of the Integration team, focusing on cloud product integration, API development, extension strategy, and infrastructure tools.

Prabhat has more than 15 years of professional experience in the IT industry and he joined SAP in 2003. Prior to SAP Cloud for Customer, Prabhat worked as product manager in SAP Business ByDesign and SAP CRM on-premise solutions. He has extensive knowledge of CRM business processes and SAP technologies.

The previous version of this course is available here:
Extending SAP Products with SAP HANA Cloud Platform (November 11 through December 16, 2014 )

*) Please note: SAP has announced that SAP HANA Cloud Platform is being renamed to SAP Cloud Platform. You can read more about the reasons behind the change and what you can expect in the official SAP Press Release.

Course contents

  • Course content no longer available

  • Week 1:

    Extending SAP Cloud Products
  • Week 2:

    Cloud Extension in Details
  • Week 3:

    My First SuccessFactors Extension
  • Week 4:

    My First SAP Jam Extension
  • Week 5:

    My First SAP Cloud for Customer Extension
  • I Like, I Wish:

    We Love Your Feedback … And Want More
  • Final Exam:

    Good Luck!

Enroll me for this course

You must be invited to enroll in this course.


Course End
Dec 16, 2015
Course Start
Nov 03, 2015

Certificate Requirements

  • Gain a Record of Achievement by earning at least 50% of the maximum number of points from all graded assignments.
  • Gain a Confirmation of Participation by completing at least 50% of the course material.

Find out more in the certificate guidelines.

This course is offered by

Rui Nogueira

Rui Nogueira is a chief product expert with over 20 years of experience in applying information technology in a wide range of industries. He holds a graduate degree in electrical engineering.

After working in software development in the automotive industry for 10 years, Rui joined SAP in 2005, where he has worked in various roles in development, product management, and strategy. He is a frequent speaker at international conferences and SAP events and has been an instructor for various openSAP courses.

Follow Rui on SAP Community , LinkedIn and Twitter.