Next Steps in Software Development on SAP HANA

This course will build upon last year’s "Introduction to Software Development on SAP HANA" course and go deeper into each of the major topics around SAP HANA native development. We will explore the many advances in the programming model and tooling that came with SAP HANA SPS6, SPS7, and SPS8.
New features available with SPS 09 can be found in the course Software Development on SAP HANA (Delta SPS 09).

Please note that you can now run the exercises of this course with SAP HANA, express edition.

This course was retired in October 2023.

Seit 25. November 2014 im Selbststudium
Kurssprache: English



This course was retired in October 2023.

Course Summary

SAP HANA is an in-memory data platform that is deployable either as an appliance or in the cloud. At its core, it is an innovative, in-memory, relational database management system that exploits all the capabilities of current hardware to increase application performance, reduce total cost of ownership, and enable new scenarios and applications that were not possible before.

SAP HANA enables you to build applications that integrate the business logic, the control logic, and the database layer with unprecedented performance. As a developer, one of the key issues is how to minimize data movements. The more you can do directly on the data in memory next to the CPUs, the better the application will perform.

This course will build upon last year’s Introduction to Software Development on SAP HANA course and go deeper into each of the major topics around SAP HANA native development. We will explore the many advances in the programming model and tooling that came with SAP HANA SPS6, SPS7, and SPS8.
New features available with SPS 09 can be found in the course Software Development on SAP HANA (Delta SPS 09).
During the course, we will use SAP HANA studio as well as several new Web-based tools (for example, the Web-based Development Workbench, SAP HANA Lifecycle Management, and SAP HANA XS Administration Tool).
We will also go well beyond the basics of each of the programming models, allowing discussion of deeper, real-world patterns and anti-patterns. We will look at the architecture of applications that are not just read-only or analytic but also transactional or provide an interface with transactional systems. We will also look at the extended capabilities of SAP HANA, from beyond a database to a complete application platform.

Please note that you can now run the exercises of this course with SAP HANA, express edition.

Registration, learning content, final exam, and Record of Achievement are free of charge. However, to fully benefit from the course, you can access a fee-based system environment to develop your own code.

Course Characteristics

  • Start: October 7, 2014, 9am UTC
  • Duration: 6 weeks (4 - 6 hours per week)
  • Final exam: November 18 - 25, 2014
  • Course language: English

Target Audience

  • Application developers
  • Database developers
  • Data modelers

Course Requirements

  • A basic knowledge of database technology, especially relational databases, SQL query language, and JavaScript
  • A general understanding of how columnar, in-memory databases work
  • Completion of the Introduction to Software Development on SAP HANA course or similar basic experience with SAP HANA native development

Development Systems

If your primary interest in taking this course is to get a technical overview of the development-related capabilities of SAP HANA, you do not need access to a development system. However, we realize that many of you are interested in developing your own code, based on the instructions in the course. Even more so than the introduction course, Introduction to Software Development on SAP HANA, this course will focus on code samples and exercises.

For this course, we will use the existing SAP HANA Developer Edition. Collaboration with the owners of the Developer Edition has enabled us to pre-install all the content, templates, and examples you will need for the course into the standard Developer Edition system. If you are already set up and are using the SAP HANA Developer Edition, you have everything you need to code along with this course. If not, we would refer you to the SAP HANA Developer Center on SCN for more details on how to get started.

The costs you will incur depend on how much you use the system. You have the option to start, stop, and suspend your system. Amazon Web Services charges you by the hour for system uptime.

SAP does not profit from your use of the system environment as Amazon Web Services is the system provider. We recommend you complete week 1, unit 2 before starting your system. The instructor will talk about system procurement and the start process, and provide explanations that will help you access your own system image at very low cost.

Note: An Amazon account (registration) is mandatory to use the system environment provided by Amazon. All described systems are free-of-charge.

About Further Content Experts

Geoff Nolan

enter image description here

Geoff Nolan is a knowledge architect in SAP HANA, focusing on tools and application services. He has been designing, developing, and publishing information for the technical world for many years.

Geoff has written and published articles in the UK and international media. He has designed, written, and published numerous books, technical specifications, and training courses, and designed and built reusable information systems.


  • Course content no longer available

  • Week 1:

  • Week 2:

    Database and Modeling
  • Week 3:

    SQLScript Advanced
  • Week 4:

    OData Services (XSODATA)
  • Week 5:

    Server-Side JavaScript (XSJS)
  • Week 6:

    Miscellaneous Topics / Wrap-Up
  • I Like, I Wish:

    We Love Your Feedback … And Want More
  • Final Exam:

    Good Luck!

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25. November 2014
7. Oktober 2014

Anforderungen für Leistungsnachweise

  • Den Leistungsnachweis erhält, wer in der Summe aller benoteten Aufgaben mindestens 50% der Höchstpunktzahl erreicht hat.
  • Die Teilnahmebestätigung erhält, wer auf mindestens 50% der Kursunterlagen zugegriffen hat.

Mehr Informationen finden Sie in den Richtlinien für Leistungsnachweise.

Dieser Kurs wird angeboten von

Rich Heilman

Rich Heilman is a director in SAP HANA Product Management, focusing on SAP HANA development tools and languages.

Rich is co-author of the SAP Press book “Next Generation ABAP Development”. He is also a regular contributor to the SAP Community Network, a founding member of the Enterprise Geeks, an SAP mentor alumnus, and an SAP HANA distinguished engineer.

Rich's SAP Community profile

Thomas Jung

Thomas Jung is a chief product expert in SAP HANA Product Management, focusing on the developer persona and platform tools for SAP HANA and SAP HANA extended application services.

He is also an SAP mentor alumnus, SAP HANA distinguished engineer, a founding member of the Enterprise Geeks, and co-author of several SAP Press books.

Thomas' SAP Community profile