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Join this free online course to learn about drivers and challenges around environmental, social, and governance (ESG) steering and reporting. Moreover get insights on how SAP can help customers by providing them with a platform and supporting capabilities to enable holistic and integrated sustainability performance management.

The course Getting Started with ESG Steering and Reporting has moved and is now available on the SAP Learning site. The openSAP platform will be discontinued at the end of July 2024.

Seit 22. März 2023 im Selbststudium
Kurssprache: English
Untertitel (automatisch erzeugt): Deutsch, English, Français, Español


Course Summary

The days of fragmented reporting are coming to an end. Many businesses are now seeing how fundamental the issue of transparency on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) impact is, along with their financial performance. Reporting against multiple regulatory frameworks and the lack of meaningful data makes this journey difficult. Increasingly, consumers want to know the provenance of products. They want to be assured that they are making choices based on data they can trust. Businesses want to make sustainable decisions.

SAP has for a long time been a frontrunner in providing environmental, social, and governance transparency. We have long understood the importance of measuring sustainability progress holistically and connecting financial and pre-financial data, in other words, data that is not necessarily included in a company’s financial reporting. That means the search for sustainability levers must go beyond financials and bring together all the sustainability data dimensions, including emissions, material flows, and social impact.

In this course you’ll learn the fundamental concepts on corporate sustainability and related challenges. The beginning of the course will be focused on the domain and the context regarding corporate sustainability. It will then move into specific business processes and topics along ESG reporting and performance management. Moreover the course will touch on how SAP Sustainability Control Tower helps customers to execute on their ESG integration and transparency journey. You will learn how the solution supports evolving global reporting frameworks, enabling our customers to steer towards sustainable decisions by connect their environmental, social, and financial values.

Here is what some participants are saying about the course:

Course Characteristics

Course Content

Week 1: The Corporate Sustainability Journey
Week 2: Drivers for Corporate Sustainability
Week 3: From Insights to Performance Management
Week 4: Final Exam

Target Audience

  • Business decision makers and strategists
  • Finance experts and ESG data analysts and decision makers
  • Sustainability experts and professionals
  • Business and application consultants
  • Everyone interested in sustainability and ESG transparency

Course Requirements

No requirements


  • Week 1:

    The Corporate Sustainability Journey
  • Week 2:

    Drivers for Corporate Sustainability
  • Week 3:

    From Insights to Performance Management
  • I Like, I Wish:

    We Love Your Feedback … And Want More
  • Final Exam:

    Good Luck!

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22. März 2023
21. Februar 2023


Der Kurs wurde mit durchschnittlich 4.38 Sternen bei 651 abgegebenen Stimmen bewertet.

Anforderungen für Leistungsnachweise

  • Den Leistungsnachweis erhält, wer in der Summe aller benoteten Aufgaben mindestens 50% der Höchstpunktzahl erreicht hat.
  • Die Teilnahmebestätigung erhält, wer auf mindestens 50% der Kursunterlagen zugegriffen hat.
  • Einen Open Badge erhalten Sie, indem Sie den Kurs abschließen.

Mehr Informationen finden Sie in den Richtlinien für Leistungsnachweise.

Dieser Kurs wird angeboten von

Jonas Dennler

Jonas Dennler started his career in 2009 as SAP’s global environment manager. In this role, he was responsible for corporate CO2 accounting, the rollout of a global environment management system, and various CO2 reduction initiatives like the Green Cloud, ​ e-mobility, and the introduction of an internal price for carbon. He was also a member of the Board of Trustees of the Swiss Climate Foundation and a member of the investment committee of the Livelihoods Fund. ​

Having held different positions in the regional Customer Advisory team, Jonas now leads global Go-to-Market for SAP’s sustainability solutions and services. He holds a degree in Environmental Physics from ETH Zurich, as well as an Executive MBA in Business Engineering from HSG St. Gallen.​ ​

Daniel Schmid

SAP’s Chief Sustainability Officer, Daniel Schmid, has been globally responsible for sustainability at SAP SE since 2014.

Daniel started his career in IT consulting and held various senior management positions within SAP Consulting. He then joined the sustainability leadership team, established in 2009 to start SAP’s sustainability journey, and lead the Sustainability Operations team.  

Daniel holds a degree in industrial engineering from the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany. He is chair of the board of econsense, a forum for the sustainable development of German business.

Gunther Rothermel

Gunther Rothermel is senior vice president and head of SAP Sustainability Engineering. He helps businesses on their sustainability transformation journey with a new set of sustainability-related capabilities from SAP. Together with his team, Gunther delivers product innovations on sustainability addressing four dimensions: climate action, circular economy, social responsibility, and holistic steering and reporting. 

Agile development, DevOps, cloud engineering, and design-led innovation are integral to Gunther’s leadership approach.

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Tensie Whelan

Tensie Whelan is a Clinical Professor of Business and Society and the Director of the NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business, where she focuses on engaging businesses in proactive and innovative mainstreaming of sustainability.

Tensie has been featured in numerous publications, serves on several boards, and presents CSB’s work regularly at conferences and other events.

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Richard Mattison

Dr. Richard Mattison is President of S&P Global Sustainable1 and Chief Executive Officer of S&P Global Trucost. He is an expert in sustainable finance and has advised various UN bodies, governments, financial intuitions, companies and NGOs over 22 years on how to integrate ESG, climate change, and natural capital analysis into their decision making. He was a member of the EU High Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance, providing key recommendations for Europe’s ground-breaking Sustainable Finance Action Plan.

Richard has led numerous innovative projects in this subject, is Chair of the Future of Sustainable Data Alliance Data Council, and an Advisory Board Member for IUCN Finance for Nature initiative and the Capitals Coalition.

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Vikram Nagendra

Vikram Nagendra works in the Corporate Sustainability team at SAP. His key activities include driving the growth and adoption of artificial intelligence ethics, holistic steering and reporting, and sustainability thought-leadership topics like impact measurement and valuation.

Vikram has been with SAP for over 18 years and has spent time in different departments, including product development, public and private cloud business units, and product support. He has an MBA from Mannheim Business School and also has teaching assignments there.

Marcus Wagner

Marcus Wagner works in the Corporate Sustainability team at SAP. As the head of Environmental Sustainability he is responsible for all environmental sustainability issues globally. In particular, he drives SAP’s ambitions to become carbon-neutral by 2023 and the strategic journey towards a net-zero and nature-positive future.

Marcus holds a degree in computer science and is SAP’s representative in various climate alliances and committees.

Stephanie Raabe

Stephanie Raabe is SAP’s human rights officer. She focuses on SAP’s overall approach to respect human rights in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and monitors compliance with mandatory human rights due diligence regulations like the German Supply Chain Act. ​ ​ Having worked for almost 20 years in corporate sustainability, she has experience in various topics like integrated reporting, sustainable finance / EU Taxonomy, ratings and rankings, ISO 14001, sustainable procurement and sustainability strategy. ​

Since 2019, Stephanie has served as a member of the Board of the UN Global Compact Network Germany. ​

Gerhard Loske

Gerhard Loske works as a director of sustainability and intelligent business technologies in SAP Business Transformation Services in the MEE region. He currently focuses on Sustainable Finance, especially on the EU Taxonomy. In addition to this, he and his team support SAP’s customers in adopting and creating business value from intelligent technologies. Together with his services colleagues, Gerhard hosts the podcast “Apropos Nachhaltigkeit…” which can also be found on the openSAP platform.

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Tobias Gross

Dr. Tobias Groß is co-lead of SAP’s integrated report project. He has been coordinating SAP’s management report for 6 years and contributes to various sustainability reporting-related projects at SAP, such as the implementation of the EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Finance.

Tobias’ focus topics include sustainability reporting, integrated report, non-financial disclosures, EU Taxonomy, ISSB, SEC Climate-Related Disclosures, and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive.

Christian Polivka

Christian Polivka is a director within Sustainability Product Marketing at SAP SE, where he is responsible for SAP’s sustainability performance management application. ​

Christian has over 15 years of experience with SAP’s sustainability solutions. Prior to joining SAP, he was employed at a business consultancy where he dealt with the everyday EHS and sustainability challenges of the manufacturing industry. ​

Christian holds an MBA from the University of Glasgow and a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering from the University of Cooperative Education in Karlsruhe.​ ​ ​

Bhushan Nigale

Bhushan Nigale runs the Sustainability Management Development Program at SAP SE. In a career spanning over 23 years in the software industry, he has held a variety of roles covering a number of topics, ranging from strategy definition to product and large-scale program management.

Stefan Hierl

Stefan Hierl is a leader and innovator in the analytics space. Before joining SAP in 2020 he was head of Global People Analytics at adidas, pioneering the combination of X (experience) and O (operational) data to get holistic people insights. At SAP, Stefan worked as the product owner for SAP Product Footprint Management before joining SAP Sustainability Control Tower as a product manager. In his role, he focuses on creating an analytics experience that allows customers to improve their holistic sustainability performance.

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Gitte Winther Bruhn

Gitte Winther Bruhn is global head of Social Responsibility Solutions at SAP. Her focus is on creating positive economic, environmental, and social impact by providing products and services that meet our customers' sustainability challenges and opportunities within the sustainability pillar of ZERO Inequality with Social Responsibility.

Based in Copenhagen, Denmark, Gitte has more than 20 years of experience bridging technology and business needs through collaborative, diverse teams, fostering strong and viable results.

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Florian Eisele

Florian Eisele is a principal business process consultant and architect within the Global Sustainability Content Hub, where he is responsible for managing and carrying out frontrunner and complex implementations on SAP sustainability solutions. He also acts as an expert to connect between product management, go-to-market, and regional consulting teams within SAP.

His current focus is on implementing and ramping-up customers on SAP Sustainability Control Tower, SAP’s solution for sustainability performance management and integrated reporting.

Florian is also an expert on implementations of SAP’s Environmental, Health and Safety solutions globally. He worked as an analytics consultant for several years and wrote his diploma thesis on the topic of “Sustainability Reporting supported by Information Technology” as part of a degree in Business Administration and Information Technology at the University of Mannheim.

Annamari Kattainen

Annamari Kattainen works in the Solution Management Team in the R2R solution area for Entity Close at SAP. She drives SAP solutions for period-end orchestration, accruals management, GR/IR reconciliation, and disclosure management.

Annamari gained finance process and solution expertise from Finance Presales at SAP and consulting in the SAP partner field.

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