Digital Transformation Across the Extended Supply Chain

Digitization is reinventing the global economy; individuals, businesses, and societies are becoming interconnected in real time, leading to a new digital economy that is more collaborative, intelligent, responsive, and efficient, with dramatic increases in productivity and economic value. This digital economy is transforming how we design, plan, respond, make, ship, and operate our products and assets.

This course was retired in October 2023.

Seit 4. Mai 2016 im Selbststudium
Kurssprache: English



This course was retired in October 2023.

Course Summary

Digitization is reinventing the global economy; individuals, businesses, and societies are becoming interconnected in real time, leading to a new digital economy that is more collaborative, intelligent, responsive, and efficient, with dramatic increases in productivity and economic value. This digital economy is transforming how we design, plan, respond, make, ship, and operate our products and assets.

In the openSAP course Digital Transformation Across the Extended Supply Chain – In a Nutshell, we explained how digital transformation is effecting extended supply chain business processes that are driven by customer centricity, individualized products, the sharing economy, and resource scarcity.

In this subsequent 6-week course, we will cover trends and challenges faced by business executives across the extended supply chain, and learn how SAP extended supply chain solutions address these challenges. The course is structured along the SAP extended supply chain value map. Each week will cover a different business priority of the value map.

Course Characteristics

Course Content

  • Week 1: Demand-Driven Business Planning
  • Week 2: Response and Supply Orchestration
  • Week 3: Efficient Logistics and Order Fulfillment
  • Week 4: Sustainable Product Innovation
  • Week 5: Automated Agile Manufacturing
  • Week 6: Operational Excellence

Target Audience

  • Business experts
  • Business consultants
  • Sales and pre-sales experts in the areas of supply chain management, manufacturing, research and development, and asset management.

Course Requirements

  • The course content requires a basic understanding of supply chain management, manufacturing, research and development, and asset management.
  • It is advisable to participate in the openSAP course Digital Transformation Across the Extended Supply Chain – In a Nutshell prior to attending this course.

About the Instructors

The course will be presented by solution experts from the extended supply chain solution management team. Each week will be introduced by the respective vice presidents:

  • Martin Barkman, Vice President Demand-Driven Business Planning
  • Patrick Crampton-Thomas, Vice President Response and Supply Orchestration
  • Markus Rosemann, Vice President Logistics and Order Fulfillment
  • Garrett Miller, Vice President Sustainable Product Innovation
  • Mike Lackey, Vice President Automated Agile Manufacturing
  • Achim Krüger, Vice President Operational Excellence


  • Course content no longer available

  • Week 1:

    Demand-Driven Business Planning
  • Week 2:

    Response and Supply Orchestration
  • Week 3:

    Efficient Logistics and Order Fulfillment
  • Week 4:

    Sustainable Product Innovation
  • Week 5:

    Automated Agile Manufacturing
  • Week 6:

    Operational Excellence
  • I Like, I Wish:

    We Love Your Feedback … And Want More
  • Final Exam:

    Good Luck!

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4. Mai 2016
15. März 2016

Anforderungen für Leistungsnachweise

  • Den Leistungsnachweis erhält, wer in der Summe aller benoteten Aufgaben mindestens 50% der Höchstpunktzahl erreicht hat.
  • Die Teilnahmebestätigung erhält, wer auf mindestens 50% der Kursunterlagen zugegriffen hat.

Mehr Informationen finden Sie in den Richtlinien für Leistungsnachweise.

Dieser Kurs wird angeboten von

Patrick Crampton-Thomas

Patrick Crampton-Thomas is VP Digital Products and Asset Management in SAP’s Solution Management Organisation, working closely with SAP customers in asset and product intensive industries.

Patrick joined SAP in 2005, since then he has held a number of regional and global roles responsible for Supply Chain, R&D, Procurement and Asset Management including Solution Management, Business Development and Sales.

Garrett Miller

Vice President
Sustainable Product Innovation
Extended Supply Chain

Martin Barkman

Vice President
Demand-Driven Business Planning
Extended Supply Chain

Mike Lackey

Mike Lackey is Global Vice President of Solution Management, Digital Manufacturing SAP.

Mike has a unique set of knowledge that covers both manufacturing software and design collaboration along with over 30 years of experience in the manufacturing sector. Early in his career, he started as a manufacturing engineer with DCA/Attachmate, which provided him with invaluable first-hand knowledge and understanding of how SAP customers can use SAP’s Digital Manufacturing Solution Portfolio to improve their global operations.

Achim Krüger

Vice President
Operational Excellence
Extended Supply Chain

Markus Rosemann

Markus Rosemann is a business development expert in SAP S/4HANA solution management. His focus is on working with customers, partners, and thought leaders to accelerate the transition of companies towards intelligent enterprises.
Markus is a frequent speaker at supply chain events and has published blogs and articles on the digitalization of logistics.
You can follow him on LinkedIn.