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Join this free online course to learn about SAP Datasphere and explore how business users can leverage managed spaces and the data marketplace to explore data, integrate information, and share insights.

The course Introduction to SAP Datasphere has moved and is now available on the SAP Learning site. The openSAP platform will be discontinued at the end of July 2024.

Seit 4. Oktober 2023 im Selbststudium
Kurssprache: English
Untertitel (automatisch erzeugt): Deutsch, English, Français, Español


Course Summary

Every successful company focuses on data and analytics, but business users are often only at the receiving end, while IT prepares everything ready to be consumed. A core strength of SAP Datasphere is to extend the flexibility for self-service modeling and data sharing to boost agility.

SAP Datasphere is a multi-cloud service that provides data and semantic business modeling, multisource connectivity, and virtualization, as well as access across the enterprise, fostering collaboration in one environment. Using managed spaces and the data marketplace, business users can explore data, integrate new information, and share those insights with peers or other departments.

This course allows you to dig into SAP’s next-generation tooling using a practical example with hands-on exercises. You’ll learn to use the system starting with a simple analytical requirement. During the course we’ll gradually extend the complexity as additional tasks and requirements arise. We’ll show you how to leverage features and functions of the cloud software to get your job done and create a credible data and analytics foundation. At the end you’ll have a very good understanding of how to use SAP Datasphere for real-world use-cases.

Course Characteristics

Course Content

Week 1: Introduction and Data Modeling
Week 2: Advanced Data Modeling
Week 3: What Else You Should Know About
Week 4: Final Exam

Target Audience

  • Business and data analysts
  • Data modelers
  • Data integrators
  • BI consultants

Course Requirements


Development Systems

This course is designed based on practical examples, as we believe learning is best when you directly apply the knowledge you gained and can test it yourself. We provide optional access to generally available guided experience trial systems. The first unit of the course will explain how you get access to your own space in such a system. You will find all relevant source system connections and data there.

Previous Version of This Course:

Previous version of this course is available here:
Introduction to SAP Datasphere (May 24 through June 22, 2023)


  • Week 1:

    Introduction and Data Modeling
  • Week 2:

    Advanced Data Modeling
  • Week 3:

    What Else You Should Know About
  • I Like, I Wish:

    We Love Your Feedback … And Want More
  • Final Exam:

    Good Luck!

Für diesen Kurs einschreiben

Der Kurs ist kostenlos. Legen Sie sich einfach ein Benutzerkonto auf openSAP an und nehmen Sie am Kurs teil!
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4. Oktober 2023
5. September 2023


Der Kurs wurde mit durchschnittlich 4.49 Sternen bei 1200 abgegebenen Stimmen bewertet.

Anforderungen für Leistungsnachweise

  • Den Leistungsnachweis erhält, wer in der Summe aller benoteten Aufgaben mindestens 50% der Höchstpunktzahl erreicht hat.
  • Die Teilnahmebestätigung erhält, wer auf mindestens 50% der Kursunterlagen zugegriffen hat.

Mehr Informationen finden Sie in den Richtlinien für Leistungsnachweise.

Dieser Kurs wird angeboten von

Klaus-Peter Sauer

Klaus-Peter Sauer is a senior director in Product Management for Data Warehousing focusing on SAP Datasphere.
An experienced data warehouse expert, he was part of the initial team at SAP designing SAP Datasphere (formerly known as SAP Data Warehouse Cloud).
KP is a regular speaker at major SAP events like SAP TechEd and Sapphire. He has also created many hands-on sessions and runs the quarterly What’s New in SAP Datasphere sessions. In addition to this, he has written various books in the data warehouse domain.

Follow Klaus-Peter on SAP Community or on LinkedIn.

Tim Huse

Tim Huse is a business process consultant for the SAP Analytics & Insight portfolio, focusing on data integration, data warehousing, data modeling, and data visualization.
He specializes in SAP Datasphere, SAP Analytics Cloud, and SAP HANA Cloud, working extensively in the public, utilities, financial services, and industrial machinery sectors.
Tim has written and published various blogposts in SAP Community on SAP Datasphere, SAP Analytics Cloud, and SAP Data Intelligence.

Follow Tim on SAP Community or on LinkedIn

Amogh Kulkarni

Amogh Kulkarni is a senior product manager in Product Management for Data Warehousing with expertise in SAP Datasphere.
Since joining SAP he has taken up multiple roles and was with SAP Datasphere (formerly knows as SAP Data Warehouse Cloud) before its release.
With a background in database development, Amogh focuses on topics like data management, transport & lifecycle, and monitoring. He has a strong customer focus, which leads to him being involved in numerous customer discussions as well as enablement sessions.

Follow Amogh on SAP Community or on LinkedIn.

Nicolas Gabelmann

Nicolas Gabelmann is a business process consultant for the SAP Analytics & Insight portfolio.
He specializes in SAP Datasphere and SAP Analytics Cloud, with a focus on data integration, data warehousing, data modeling, and data visualization.
Nicolas has assisted in running hackathons for customers and writing blogposts in SAP Community on the aforementioned topics.

Follow Nicolas on SAP Community or on LinkedIn.

Philipp Plazibat

Philipp Plazibat is a business process consultant for the SAP Analytics & Insight portfolio.
He specializes in SAP Datasphere and SAP Analytics Cloud, with a focus on data integration, data warehousing, data modeling, and data visualization.
Philipp has assisted in running hackathons for customers and writing blogposts in SAP Community on the aforementioned topics.

Follow Philipp on SAP Community or on LinkedIn.

Brendon Kellner

Brendon Kellner is a director in Product Management for SAP Datasphere with broad expertise in data warehousing and analytics.
He focuses on business modeling with SAP Datasphere and integrating new technologies to enhance the user experience.
Prior to his current role, Brendon led customer-focused teams on complex data integration and analytics projects for global customers.

Follow Brendon on LinkedIn

Philine Apholz

Philine Apholz is a business process associate consultant for the SAP Analytics & Insight portfolio.
She specializes in SAP Datasphere, with a focus on data integration, data warehousing, and data modeling.
While regularly publishing blogposts on SAP Community about these topics, Philine also assists in the execution of trainings and hackathons. 

Follow Philine on SAP Community or on LinkedIn.

Florian Neukirch

Florian Neukirch is a product specialist in Product Management for Data Warehousing focusing on SAP Datasphere.
His main focus is on data management topics like data maintenance, data marketplace and Intelligent Lookup. Florian started his career at SAP in Product Management at the same time SAP Datasphere (formerly known as SAP Data Warehouse Cloud) was released and has taken over several roles in the SAP Datasphere organization since then.

Follow Florian on SAP Community or on LinkedIn.

Guido Eichmann

Guido Eichmann is a product expert for Analytics and Data Warehousing with expertise in SAP Datasphere. He is currently focused on Business Content for SAP Datasphere.
He was part of the initial team at SAP designing SAP Datasphere (formerly known as SAP Data Warehouse Cloud).
He was instrumental in launching the Business Content program for SAP and partner content for SAP Analytics Cloud and SAP Datasphere. He is a speaker at TechEd and conferences as well.

Follow Guido on SAP Community or on LinkedIn

Mirko Link

Mirko Link is a senior product manager for SAP Datasphere with broad expertise in data warehousing and analytics.
He focuses on the integration of SAP Datasphere with SAP Analytics Cloud and third-party BI clients.
Prior to his current role, Mirko worked for several years as an analytics consultant in numerous customer projects, and ever since puts customer success at the center of his work.

Follow Mirko on SAP Community or on LinkedIn.

Dominik Kurz

Dominik Kurz is a senior director in Product Management for Data Warehousing focusing on SAP BW/4HANA, BW bridge, and the integration into SAP Datasphere.  He started his career at SAP during the preparations for the launch of SAP Datasphere. He worked for several years in consulting for various end customers and strategy consultancies and was involved in numerous SAP analytics projects.
Dominik is involved in many customer discussions when a migration from SAP BW to SAP Datasphere is pending or a hybrid landscape is to be set up.

Follow Dominik on SAP Community or on LinkedIn