SAP Digital Boardroom in a Nutshell

One of the most critical activities for companies is to leverage innovation as fast and easily as possible. With SAP BusinessObjects Cloud and SAP Digital Boardroom, we offer an end-to-end analytics solution in the cloud that enables our customers to use innovation directly.
The main aim of SAP Digital Boardroom is to give you a 360° view of your enterprise in real time. High-level as well as detail-level information is available to (executive) management members 24/7.

In this course, you’ll learn the steps you need to take to prepare a board meeting using SAP Digital Boardroom.

This course was retired in August 2023.

*) Please note: SAP BusinessObjects Cloud was renamed SAP Analytics Cloud, after this course was recorded.

Seit 21. September 2016 im Selbststudium
Kurssprache: English


retired image

This course was retired in August 2023.

One of the most critical activities for companies is to leverage innovation as fast and easily as possible. With SAP BusinessObjects Cloud and SAP Digital Boardroom, we offer an end-to-end analytics solution in the cloud that enables our customers to use innovation directly.

SAP BusinessObjects Cloud for BI, SAP BusinessObjects Cloud for planning, and SAP BusinessObjects Cloud for predictive analytics are the main solutions in SAP BusinessObjects Cloud. SAP Digital Boardroom itself is an application that sits on top of them.

Value driver trees, planning and predictive scenarios, and visualizations are prepared in SAP BusinessObjects Cloud. Together, you can put them in stories that are the basis for SAP Digital Boardroom.

SAP Digital Boardroom contains 3 screens: The Overview screen, Context screen, and the Main & Exploration screen. The main aim of SAP Digital Boardroom is to give you a 360° view of your enterprise in real time. High-level as well as detail-level information is available to (executive) management members at all times (24/7). The capabilities of SAP BusinessObjects Cloud and SAP Digital Boardroom allow you to drill down directly into the details, and if something changes at line item level, you can see the impact on the aggregated view in real time. It gives you the chance to align executive decisions on one single source of truth using intuitive visualizations based on business units.
In this course, you’ll learn the steps you need to take to prepare a board meeting using SAP Digital Boardroom.

Course Characteristics

  • Starting from: July 12, 2016, 09:00 UTC. (What does this mean?)
  • Duration: The course is open for 10 weeks
  • Effort: 2-3 hours in total
  • Course assignment: You can take the course assignment at any time while the course is open.
  • Course closure: September 21, 2016
  • Course language: English
  • How is an openSAP course structured?

Course Content

Unit 1: Introduction to SAP Digital Boardroom
Unit 2: Enhanced Capabilities of SAP Digital Boardroom
Unit 3: Collaboration Scenarios
Unit 4: Board Meeting Leveraging SAP Digital Boardroom
Unit 5: SAP Digital Boardroom Demonstration

Target Audience

  • Executive & senior management
  • Business analysts & end consumers
  • Partners
  • Consultants
  • Customers

Course Requirements


  • Course content no longer available

  • Course

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21. September 2016
12. Juli 2016


Der Kurs wurde mit durchschnittlich 3.99 Sternen bei 694 abgegebenen Stimmen bewertet.

Anforderungen für Leistungsnachweise

  • Den Leistungsnachweis erhält, wer in der Summe aller benoteten Aufgaben mindestens 50% der Höchstpunktzahl erreicht hat.
  • Die Teilnahmebestätigung erhält, wer auf mindestens 50% der Kursunterlagen zugegriffen hat.

Mehr Informationen finden Sie in den Richtlinien für Leistungsnachweise.

Dieser Kurs wird angeboten von

Markus Schunter

Markus Schunter is the global lead for SAP Digital Boardroom and SAP BusinessObjects Cloud services, and is responsible for developing and establishing the services strategy for these solutions. He is also responsible for driving enablement and service portfolio in this area.

Markus is an expert on BI and Big Data topics, and frequently presents at industry events, including SapphireNow and TechEd.