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Join this free online course to learn everything you need to know about blockchain. The course includes use case examples and demos for you to get a deeper understanding of how blockchain works and how you can benefit from it.

The course What Can Blockchain Do for You? has moved and is now available on the SAP Learning site. The openSAP platform will be discontinued at the end of July 2024.

Seit 23. November 2022 im Selbststudium
Kurssprache: English
Untertitel (automatisch erzeugt): Deutsch, English, Français, Español


Course Summary

Blockchain is a topic that has received a lot of publicity in recent years, but what’s really behind blockchain technology, and how does it work? This course provides you with an example-based explanation of what blockchain is. You’ll learn how to know whether to consider blockchain and which innovations it includes. You’ll discover business realities and challenges, and learn about identity, privacy, and accountability.

Blockchain is a technology available to enterprises. The course focuses on how this technology works and if it can be used in business. Many compare blockchain to email. Can business work without email?

The course presents examples, demos, and stories to clarify why blockchain is a "big deal". It covers cryptocurrency, finance, new identities, and developing new apps with examples in sustainability.

Guests: UNICEF, European Commission, disaster relief examples (OXFAM), Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, Toucan, Empower.

Here is what some participants are saying about the course:

Course Characteristics

Course Content

Week 1: What's Different About Blockchain?
Week 2: Cryptocurrencies and the Financial World
Week 3: Digital Identity Under Your Full Control
Week 4: Tokens and Decentralized Applications
Week 5: Final Exam

Target Audience

  • Blockchain enthusiasts and the blockchain curious
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Application designers

Course Requirements

No technical requirements


  • Week 1:

    What's Different About Blockchain?
  • Week 2:

    Cryptocurrencies and the Financial World
  • Week 3:

    Digital Identity Under Your Full Control
  • Week 4:

    Tokens and Decentralized Applications
  • I Like, I Wish:

    We Love Your Feedback … And Want More
  • Final Exam:

    Good Luck!

Für diesen Kurs einschreiben

Der Kurs ist kostenlos. Legen Sie sich einfach ein Benutzerkonto auf openSAP an und nehmen Sie am Kurs teil!
Jetzt einschreiben


23. November 2022
18. Oktober 2022


Der Kurs wurde mit durchschnittlich 4.66 Sternen bei 821 abgegebenen Stimmen bewertet.

Anforderungen für Leistungsnachweise

  • Den Leistungsnachweis erhält, wer in der Summe aller benoteten Aufgaben mindestens 50% der Höchstpunktzahl erreicht hat.
  • Die Teilnahmebestätigung erhält, wer auf mindestens 50% der Kursunterlagen zugegriffen hat.

Mehr Informationen finden Sie in den Richtlinien für Leistungsnachweise.

Dieser Kurs wird angeboten von

Lloyd Keays

Lloyd Keays is a pioneering and incubation executive for SAP Business Network. He focuses on future vision development and explaining tech in simple words.

Lloyd has spent the last 20 years building bridges between technology, people, and process simplification. His clear and friendly approach makes it easy to understand and make sense of disruptive innovations. He is now looking into how blockchain affects businesses, especially when it comes to trade.

Lloyd has a Master's degree in 19th century history from Laval University in Canada, is a senior process architect for procurement and business networks, and is skilled in 3D design, video creation, IoT and more. He lives in Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Follow Lloyd on LinkedIn and on YouTube.