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Ergebnisse für:circular economy


Kurse im Selbststudium

SAP and Deloitte Tax Experts

Join this free online course to learn about different tax types, global developments, the business relevance, and the importance of technology with a focus on SAP S/4HANA and SAP solutions for glob...

  • Seit 5. Jun. 2024 im Selbststudium
  • Leistungsnachweis
  • en + 4 Untertitel
Circular Design Experts

Join this free online course to learn about circular design and how you can create products that meet the requirements for a circular economy.

The course Design for a Circular Economy has moved an...

  • Seit 21. Jun. 2023 im Selbststudium
  • Leistungsnachweis
  • en + 4 Untertitel
Gianluigi Bagnoli, Yatsea Li, Alice Magnani, Cesare Calabria, Jacob Tan, Quintus Smith, Mostafa Sharaf

Join this free online course to learn how to transform a business into an intelligent, sustainable enterprise using sustainability solutions on SAP Business Technology Platform and discover how art...

  • Seit 4. Apr. 2023 im Selbststudium
  • Leistungsnachweis
  • en + 4 Untertitel
Thomas Saueressig, Darren West, Stephen Jamieson, James Sullivan, Kristen Hanel, Michael Jordan, Natasha Pergl, Kathryn Rae, Stephan Müller

Join this free online course to learn about the advantages of an inclusive circular economy. Discover how a circular economy can help us tackle the impact the linear economy is having on the planet...

  • Seit 2. Dez. 2021 im Selbststudium
  • Leistungsnachweis
  • en + 4 Untertitel
Leaders from the world of corporate sustainability

Join this free online course to learn how you can integrate sustainability as part of your corporate strategy and positively contribute to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. You’ll learn ...

  • Seit 20. Nov. 2019 im Selbststudium
  • Leistungsnachweis
  • en + 4 Untertitel